My Editor Keybinds.

For share setting across 3 Editor and prevent forget.

Move Cursor
Cursor Right^ + F
Cursor Left^ + B
Cursor Top^ + P
Cursor Down^ + N
Cursor Right WordM + F
Cursor Left WordM + B
Cursor Top BlockM + P
Cursor Down BlockM + N
Move Cursor to Line Start^ + A
Move Cursor to Line End^ + E
Right with Selection^ + F + CMD
Left with Slection^ + B + CMD
Up with Section^ + CMD + P
Down with Section^ + CMD + N
cursorEndSelect^ + CMD + E
cursorStartSelect^ + CMD + A
cursorRightWordSelect^ + CMD + Option + F
cursorLeftWordSelect^ + CMD + Option + B
cursorTopBlockSelect^ + CMD + Option + P
cursorBottomBlockSelect^ + CMD + Option + N
Scroll Up^ + V
Scroll DownOption + V
Scroll to Top^-x + ^-[
Scroll to Bottom^-x + ^- ]
Scroll to Center^-x + L
Go To Line NumberCMD + L
Code Edit
delete single charchtarDelete
delete front single charchtar^ + O
CopyCMD + C
Copy pathShift + CMD + C
PasteCMD + V
Insert line Above(VSCode)^ + CMD + Enter
Delete matched bracket or tag^-x ^-m
Cut All Left^ + W
Cut All Right^ + K
Open refactor menu selected code^ + T
Rename selected symbol^ + R
Close any tool window^-x ^-c
Wrapping selected HTML Tagselect children elements → ^ + S
Delete Pararent HTML Tag(preserve children)(WebStorm)option + D
Delete Pararent HTML Tag with Diff & comformation(preserve children)(WebStorm)^-x ^-r
Find text in current single fileCMD + F
Find in Project or any FolderCMD + Shift + F
Replace text in current single fileCMD + R
Replace intext in whole project or any folderCMD + Shift + R
Split Editor Window
Split RIght^-x 3
Split Down^-x 2
Close All Split Window^-x 1
Move Focus Window^-x o
Code Jump
Go to DefinitionCMD + B
Go to Type declarationCMD + T
Go to Matching Pair Brace/Bracket^ + M
prev code jump historyCMD + [
next code jump historyCMD + ]
Next HighLight SymbolCMD + G
Prev HighLight SymbolShift + CMD + G
Show IntelliSense suggestion popup^ + I
Expand Folding^ + =
Collaspse Folding^ + -
Expand AllCMD + ^ + =
Collaspse AllCMD + ^ + -
File Explorer
Open/Focus ExplorerCMD + 1
Toggle File StructureCMD + 2
Focus EditorESC
New FileCMD + N
New Folder^ + D
Rename^ + R
Copy Relative File PathCMD + Shift + C
Open Command
Command PaletteCMD + P
Open by filenameCmd + O
Go to SymbolCMD + Shift + O
Show Context Menu^-C ^- C
Show recent filesCMD + E
Show Git Blame^-G ^-B
Show Git History^-G ^-H
Multiple Cursor
Add or Remove caretOption + Click
Clone Cursor AboveOption + CMD + ↑
Clone Cursor BellowOption + CMD + ↓
Vertical cursor fillinCMD + Shift + mouse coursor(VSCode)
Show next copilot suggestion^ + ]
Show prev copilot suggestion^ + [
Toggle Ename/Disable copilot^ + ;
Hide Completetion in EditorESC
Reload Window^-x ^-R
Open Keybinding.jsonShift + CMD + .
Cursor Nightly
Open Chat TabCMD + \
Close Chat Tab^ + CMD + \